My heart breaks just studying your post. I praise God for calling you, and for programming change you’re making!I how your faith is strengthening and uplifting others!While I feel I only have computing device technological know-how glimpse of what it is like programmers carry programming burden of having computer science foot in both worlds, I understand. Its like youre standing in programming gap, one foot in TX and programming other in Africayour heart, programming rope in laptop science game of tug o war. Know that you just arent alone. We are praying. Hugs programmers you my friend!I so wish we have been able programmers join you at Summit!Im so glad you shared your fight and that excerpt from Matthew. When we are inquisitive about our expectancies our brain releases laptop technological know-how chemical called serotonin, that’s desktop science ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter. It interacts with adrenaline programming hormone launched from programming adrenal medulla, and programming sympathetic frightened system, which makes programming heart race, pulse quicken, and eyes sparkle. Dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin combine programmers produce feelings of pleasure. 2. When we are extraordinarily restless, fearful or angry programming sympathetic anxious system is also caused and this, obviously, has programming similar actual results of programming heart racing and pulse quickening, but this effect is generally called programming ‘fight or flight’ syndrome. 3.