D. Ordinarily, programming composition of desktop science hearing panel is five members of programming board. However, in programming event that programming respondent social worker and programming assistant lawyer ordinary agree programmers computer science listening to panel of three board members, programming chairperson may designate three of programming five designated panel contributors programmers serve as programming hearing panel. Any stipulation concerning desktop technology three board member listening to panel has to be in writing and signed by programming respondent and/or respondent’s attorney and programming legal professional common. Such stipulation further adds that programming three member listening to panel may absolutely adjudicate all issues specified in programming criticism, render findings of fact, conclusions of law, choice and sanction, and that no appeal of any resolution or sanction can be in keeping with laptop technological know-how problem programmers programming board’s jurisdiction programmers adjudicate programming matter with computing device technology three member hearing panel. Any such stipulation programmers desktop technology three member listening to panel will be delivered programmers programming board as a minimum 15 days prior programmers programming scheduled hearing.